Pork Humba

pork humba

Humba utilizes the warm, tender texture of braised pork, and is often likened to another Filipino fan favorite, which is adobo. However, this dish is particularly known for its sweeter take on braised pork, as compared to the sour, flavorful adobo.



  1. Heat a wok or pan. Sear pork belly until it turns brown and enough oil gets extracted from the fat. Remove the pork from the wok. Set aside.
  2. Heat around 3 tablespoons of oil. Sauté garlic and onion until the onion softens.
  3. Add the pork back into the wok and pour-in soy sauce. Sauté for 1 minute.
  4. Add vinegar. Continue sautéing until liquid dries-up.
  5. Pour clear soft drinks into the wok. Cover and let boil.
  6. Add crushed peppercorn. Adjust heat to low. Continue boiling for 35 minutes.
  7. Add banana blossoms and salted black beans. Cover the wok and continue cooking until the pork gets tender. Note: you can add water if needed.
  8. Add brown sugar. Stir. Cook for 1 minute.
  9. Transfer to a serving plate. Serve with warm rice.
  10. Share and enjoy!

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